Saturday, October 23, 2010

Megan's Morning Mitts

I know that I seem to be posting a lot.  This is very obvious as our home falls into a new state of disrepair.   Surprisingly, even though I have two weeks worth of laundry built up, a very dirty kitchen floor, a bathtub that needs scrubbing, and a sourdough starter screaming to be made into bread... I am just not too worried about it.  I'll just take it one task at a time (and try to keep an eye on Helen in the mean time- I already had to fish three board game pieces out of her mouth this morning).  I am not the perfect homemaker.  I just don't have time to be... sufficient is going to have to suffice for now.

In happier news, I have completed the Morning Mitts I started for Megan last February.  I love these mittens - especially since you can wear them and type at the same time - a blogging knitter must have designed them!

These mitts are great for beginning knitter who has the knit/purl down because they teach M1L/M1R, picking up stitches, provisional cast on, and how to use a stitch holder all in one compact little package - and with a second mitten built right in to reinforce what you just learned!

Now back to that pile of laundry for me...

1 comment:

  1. Lovely picture of the gloves and congratulations on finishing another project. I'm still hammering away at Bernadette's doll. I hope to post my progress on that one today, you know, ignore the fact that I'm supposed to be packing.


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