Thursday, October 28, 2010

A Sweater for Me

While I have promised myself that I will not begin work on this project until 2011... (please see previous goals).. that hasn't stopped me from commencing the planning and purchasing for this project. Every girl needs a sweater of her own.

The sweater I will be knitting is none other than Hey Teach, a Helene Rush pattern featured in Knitty in 2008.

If you are a member of Ravelry,  please please go view and drool over the many Hey Teach sweaters already worked up (1,872 to be exact).  There are oh so many, in so many different colors.. with short sleeves, and long sleeves, and no sleeves too!

I plan to make mine with 3/4 sleeves using the chart and sleeve instructions provided on the Stash N' Stitch blog.

I also picked up my special order Cascade Sierra Yarn in Moss from the local yarn hangout here in town.  Bless Julie and her buy one get one half price sale!  So now I wait for the new year... and it is possible that I will be picking up my needles at 12:01 to start this one!

1 comment:

  1. I browsed through some of the Ravelry sweaters and seems most said they had to add to the body length. But love all the different looks and again many said it works up quickly. So good luck, and can't wait to see the finished project! p.s. love the yarn!


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