My sweet little girl's love of yogurt and a post by a favorite blog I follow has given me that last little push I needed to try my hand at making my own yogurt. I just love trying new things and making stuff in general, especially when it turns out to be this easy!
After reading the blogpost about yogurt making, I did a little more research to fill in the gaps (like-do I cover the jar while it rests??? she didn't say...). I found this recipe that really helped with the details of yogurt making.
I combined the two recipes - used the double boiler method for heating, and the oven light for warming. It amazed how quickly the milk heated, and how SLOWLY it cooled. The hardest part was the waiting... and the waking up a 5:30am to finish the process.
I stored the yogurt in small canning jars instead of one large jar so that hopefully the unopened ones will stay fresh longer... not being taken in and out of the fridge and opened every day. Though, the recipes suggest that it should remain good for up to 3 weeks or so - plenty of time for us to polish it off!
If you've been thinking about making your own yogurt, you should try it! I have always thought that the more things we know how to do for ourselves the better, so why not give it a try!