Just thought I would make a mental note about what I am attempting to complete in a timely manner (4-6 years would be nice)....
- Knit Dishcloth assortment for Aunt Deb (completion deadline Dec '07)
- Knit White Dishcloths for nice lady in Tyler (cd Oct 15 '07)
- Knit Christmas Stocking, Green (cd Dec '07)
- Crochet Baby Boy Suit (cd late Dec '07)
- Sweater for my Sweetie, the one and only I will ever make (cd Feb '08)
- Cross-Stitch Sampler, the kitchen wall needs it (cd the sooner the better)
- Blue Knit Snuggly Blankie (cd whenever)
It is not so bad after all, granted, I did not list the many works in progress that at this time I have no desire to complete.... maybe someday I will be unable to afford new yarn and will resort to completing unwanted projects in an effort to keep busy.
Now back to those Dishcloths for Aunt Deb.... almost done....