Tired Momma needed a "play alone" activity today. However, letting the little one play in the sink is not an unsupervised "Momma needs a nap" activity. Helen just loves water play lately (and making a huge mess), so, we just put down some towels scooted her chair up to the sink and let her go for it.
For a solid twenty minutes, she practiced pouring water from one dish to another. I stood nearby folding up the diapers and redirecting the pouring in the direction of the sink. After a being played with, those dishes really need a good cleaning, so she was really doing me a favor!
I love her Green Toys Tea Set it is made in the USA out of recycled milk jugs, and is not too "girly". We also have the Cookware and Dining Set.
Might have been more fun if mud pies had been made before hand :-)