Crazy Christmas brain had me wanting to sew a "real" tree skirt for our tree this week. For the past few years... 7 years... I have just tucked a random tablecloth or piece of fabric around the base of our wimpy little fake tree. This year, I wanted an actual skirt.
This is not the recommended way to make a tree skirt, but it was effective.
First, a tree skirt needs to be round (well most of the time). I took geometry. I do not remember much. When I want to draw a circle - I trace a water glass. I need a really big water glass - or in this case - the lid to our sandbox.
The girls were very happy to help. Then they were too helpful and I shut them in their room together for a few minutes so the wouldn't tear up my tissue paper.
This is were I stopped... and restarted during nap time.
I used my tissue template to cut a circle out of 2 fabrics. I used upholstery weight fabrics.
Match right sides together.
Cut a line from edge to interior, and a small circle in the center for the stem of your tree.
Pin at least the center. Yes! I used pins!!
Carefully sew around all edges leaving a 4 to 6 inch hole for turning the skirt right side out.
Flip! And top-stitch around all edges.
I think top-stitching looks so nice!
And the finished product! I like the red side best right now, but hopefully we will someday get new carpeting, and then maybe I will use the green side.
Have you ever decided you needed something and improvised to get it done in one day? Or one nap time?