I can't pass up a great cloth diapering deal, and when I saw that during the month of November Econobum cover and prefold sets are buy one get one free... only $9.95 for two onesize covers and two prefolds (with free shipping from Cottonbabies.com to sweeten the deal) I just had to order!
Now, I wasn't expecting much... how great could a economy diaper cover really be? Well, let me tell you... I am impressed. On the smallest rise setting these fit my 3 month old over my GMD prefolds beautifully and with the two other settings still available, they should fit until she is out of diapers.
The PUL is much thinner than the PUL of Thirsties diaper covers
They do not have leg gussets, but fit snuggly enough that they hold everything in and that is the main purpose of a cover right? Just hold everything in and you are doing your job!
I haven't prepped and tried the prefolds out yet, but they look nice. They are narrower than GMD prefolds because they are designed to be trifolded - not snappied. But seriously, even if I never use them... two covers for less than $10! That is awesome! So, if you need more covers, or are looking to cloth diaper on a tight budget these Econobum diapers might just be the perfect choice.
So when are you going to start sewing your own diapers and covers? :-)