I used to make yogurt
like this because I didn't have a dehydrator, but then my whole world changed after my sweet husband found an
Excalibur Dehydrator
at a Goodwill for a shocking price.
Now I make yogurt in the dehydrator! I follow the instructions at
Farm Bell Recipes.
I start with a gallon of milk and a big pot.
You also need some leftover yogurt (make sure it is the kind with active cultures) and 5 quart mason jars if you are using the whole gallon of milk.
I heat the milk on the stove to 180-185F... this takes 30 minutes or so on medium. Then remove it from the heat and let it cool to 110F, which takes FOREVER, but you don't want to chance killing your yogurt making buddies with too hot milk.
I preheat my dehydrator to about 110F, Farm Bell says 105F the dehydrator says 115F - I pick the middle for no reason... The white lids are from Wal-Mart, are BPA free, and only cost a couple dollars... totally worth it!
The yogurt goes in, and we wait 8 to 10 hours before moving it to the fridge to cool.
mmmm. smoothies. A gallon of organic whole milk yogurt for $5 or $6, and lasts at least a month or so in the fridge. A delicious budget friendly treat!