Thursday, November 8, 2007

Glorious Roaster

Oh, Glorious Roaster
from glorious Brookshire's
in you I shall roast....
a smart chicken

know we not his
test scores, IQ, or PSAT
nontheless we shall still
roast and enjoy.

A big thank you to Brookshire's for making this installment of bad poetry possible. I am thrilled to have finally bought enough groceries from my local store to become the proud recipient of a beautiful stainless steel roasting pan... as my husband has said before... "thank you Brookshire's for giving the little pretend housewives goals to meet in life."

Anyways... I am going to cook a fantastic supper for my hardworking man tonight. On the menu is Mustard-Tarragon Roast Chicken with Egg Noodles compliments of the September 2007 issue of Real Simple magazine.

I am also going to try out a pumpkin-apple muffin recipe from

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