Today I pulled out my absolute favorite baby food cook book: Cooking for Baby
I always recommend this book to new moms who are interested in preparing homemade foods for their babies because the recipes are simple, the information is solid, and the pictures are beautiful.
Pureed Pears were on the menu today since we have some absolutely lovely and sweet pears right now. I quartered and cored two pears (keeping the skins on). Steamed them for about 5 minutes. Let them cool and used a spoon to remove the skins. Then it was into the food processor with them and in moments we had Pear Puree!
2 pureed pears filled 1 1/2 ice trays leaving just enough for Clare to lick the bowl clean :) I use these special "Baby" ice trays: Fresh Baby Trays
Hey... I just thought of a good baby gift for me this time around. :) Since I have my food processor now, I'd love to give this a try!