We took the puppies out for a Thanksgiving walk, and Sweetie took this very charming photo. Dax and Janeway are settling into life with us. And, they have enjoyed visits from several of our friends and their dogs. They are growing like crazy, and soon I think we will need to buy them bigger collars. Luckily, they are beginning to understand the concept of "taking a walk", though Janeway likes to try to walk herself by holding onto her leash with her mouth.
treasuring the little things while lovingly pursuing the adventure of life, motherhood, and all things wonderful and tedious
Saturday, November 29, 2008
My 26th Birthday
Sunday, November 2, 2008
A New Bathroom and A Poor Financial Decision
Friday, September 5, 2008
We did it!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
First Day of Failure
I will however be doing my weighted ball exercizes tonight. And I will try extra hard to wake up tomorrow. Oh well.
Knitting club was GREAT! I just love the ladies that I meet with on Wednesdays during my lunch. They meet in a very idealic location... a yarn shop loft above a gift shop on the cute sightseers dream town square. It is lovely. Everyone works on something different... quilting, knit, crochet, you name it... they've done it. It is so much fun to show them what I am currently working on and see their projects in progress. Community is nice.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The Happiness Project
She is an author who decided to take a year and try every "happiness plan" on the market for her soon to be published book of the same name. I mostly have enjoyed her wednesday "tip" day where she gives out life tips she herself has developed or that she has found. The range from how to motivate yourself to exercise or not shop excessively to my favorite, her look at Pope John the XXIII's list of tips on how to lead a better life:
Ten tips for living a better life, one day at a time -- from Pope XXIII.
The greatest thing about this list, a Gretchen points out is that it is a list for today... just today... tomorrow we will try again, make adjustments, etc... but, today we will try.
- yesterday I only drank one :) soda
- I completed my weighted ball exercises last night
- we woke up, exercised, and said prayers this morning
- I am ready for a wonderful day: knitting club... a chance to work on another goal of completing my project!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Fall Garden Planning

http://www.highcountrygardens.com/ has made this planning a lot easier through mail order online shopping. I really like that this site made suggestions based on region and specialized in drought tolerant, sun-loving plants. They also have a good "dead plant" policy. 90 days to make sure everything survives and then a refund, credit, or exchange based on preference. I am hoping that everything lives!
I purchased:

- 8 Veronica rupestris "heavenly blue" - a ground cover with 4" tall blueish-purple flowers, these I will plant around my already establish amaryllis bulbs.
- 3 Nepeta "Six Hills Giant" or "Catmint" - looks kind of like super sized lavender, and I couldn't resist the photo of the cat enjoying the catmint!
- 3 Achillea filipendula "Coronation Gold" - Catmint's suggested companion, smaller in size with round dandelion type flowers (Both this and Catmint will be planted along the shed in the backyard, in between the hardy hibiscus and crape myrtles
- 1 Agastache Sampler - includes 5 different Agastache plants, which flower from summer through fall and attract hummingbirds and butterflies. These I will plant under my redbud tree, outside my bedroom window. I think the hummingbirds will definitely amuse the cat who likes to perch there.

All the plants are scheduled to arrive by September 26 for a weekend planting hurrah!
Ready to Make Each Day Count
Last week, he suggested that we retrain ourselves to wake up an hour and a half earlier than normal so that we can really enjoy our mornings together, and always have time for breakfast and our Liturgy of the Hours.
I decided that this is awesome (and has been great), but still not quite enough, so we are adding the exercise that we are always avoiding to the mix. I rearranged the sun room furniture to require no daily moving so that we can get out there and exercise every morning. So far so good, we put in a good 25 minutes of cardio this morning and I feel great!
On a personal level, I have also decided to incorporate my many unfinished projects into this whole thing. I am going to start with the practically complete yet set aside bunch first... in hopes that I will be able to complete one each week.
This week I am concentrating on my newly begun and soon to be complete crochet project. Then I will pick back up a tiny sweater project that is 75% there already.
Here goes...
Monday, September 1, 2008
Falling in Love with Crochet... Again.
I had forgotten how quickly a crochet project forms. How it turns into what you hope it will be so much more swiftly than knits. Granted, I LOVE the smoothness of a knit project and how much for professional my knit projects appear than my crochet, but there is just nothing like seeing the progress of a project develop over a short amount of time. Ah, crochet.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
it's officially spring

My First Items
These are some of the first items I will be trying to sell on ETSY.... a pink baby hat with green ruffle trim, and stem-ware coasters complements of my mom... I think the stem-ware pictures turned out really nice. I need to steal a baby to model my hat for better pics of the baby hat :)
No, I will not be selling "little" Marble on the site, however she does like to help me organize my yarn inventory!
But, she doesn't really care for having her picture taken!!
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Garden Update #1 - 4 days since planting
We had terrential rains all day Tuesday, the same rains that then went and flooded the Mid-West. I was worried that these rains would kill my freshly planted tomato and pepper plants, however yesterday they seemed just fine when I checked on them. They looked healthy and had little appearance of "I've just been planted" shock.
No sign of sprouting seeds as of yet, but most packages said sprouting would take place in about 7-10 days, so no worries yet.
A couple of weeks ago, I pruned the two rosebushes inherited from the previous owner. I transplanted the climbing rosebush from a place where it had nowhere to climb to a spot alongside our fence. At first it seemed healthy and happy, but then the leaves started drooping and turning a sick yellow. I rushed to give it a little bit of plant food and a healthy dose of used coffee grounds along with lots of water, and it is now looking a lot better. The bush that was not transplanted got itself a serious haircut and is thriving... lots of new pretty leaves are opening up. Hopefully this care will give me a better rose crop this season.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Of Gardening and Etsy
We have added: Watermelon, Cilantro, Orange, and Yellow pepper to our original planting plans. Today it is raining like crazy so hopefully the little seeds and plants will stand their ground and not get washed away.
In other news, I have decided to start knitting up goods for ETSY... and online marketplace for handmade goods. Will post pics of my latest creations to be added to the site.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Procrastination can be a good thing
Friday, February 29, 2008
2008 Gardening Plans
In hopes to be more systematic about my gardening (and learn from my many mistakes) I am going to try to keep records of what we plant, when we plant it, and how it fairs...
- purchase from: Wal-Mart
- number planted: 1 plant
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes:
Variety 2: Big Boy?
- purchased from: Wal-Mart
- number planted: 1 plant
- date planted: March 16,2008
- notes:
Variety 3: Best Bush?
- purchased from: Wal- Mart
- number planted: 1 plant
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes: The packaging said to plant this tomato bush 80% underground... it was strange buring so much of the plant that just the topmost leaves stuck out of the dirt!

Variety 1 - Ferry Morse - Bloomsdale, Long Standing
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: 1 pkg/ 12 feet of planting
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes:I think I planted these too close together
Variety 2 - Ferry Morse - Teton Hybrid
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: 1 pkg/ 12 feet of planting
- date planted: March 16, 2007
- notes: again, too close together
Variety 1 - Ferry Morse - Tall Top Early Wonder
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: 1 pkg/ 12 feet of planting
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes: requested by mom, planted and then read about a different way to space the seeds... hopefully they work!
Variety 1 - Super Sweet
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: many... 12 feet x 4 per foot = approx 48 onions
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes: bulbs
Variety 2 - Yellow
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: ~ 48
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes: bulbs
Variety 3 - Red
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: ~ 70
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes: bulbs, planted these last year, about 20 - 3 actually grew
Variety 1 - Ferry Morse Heirloom - Dill Bouquet
- purchased from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: 3 foot row
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes: planted from seed, annual herb
Variety 1 - Dutch Valley - M. Washington
- purchase from: Tractor Supply Store
- number planted: 9 crowns
- date planted: March 13, 2008
- notes: 2 year old roots, planted in permanent bed, corner of the fence... will make for easier mowing :)

Variety 1 - Lowes - Sugar Snap, Edible Pod
- purchaed from: Lowes
- number planted: 1 pkg/ 12 foot row
- date planted: March 16, 2008
- notes:
Variety 1 - Lowes - Grey Zucchini
- purchased from: Lowes
- number planted: 3 hills
- date planted:
- notes:
Variety 1 - Lowes - Black Turtle, Bush
- purchased from: Lowes
- number planted:
- date planted:
- notes:
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Projects, Projects, Projects
1. New set of discloths for my kitchen:

I completed the first 8 on a road trip to visit family, and now am dragging my feet to use up the rest of the yarn to make more. I like discloth making so much because every one is different and it is quick gratification knitting.
2. Sad husband's grey sweater:
The really sad part off this whole situation is that I considered buying sweetie a grey sweater at the store today (it might make up for the fact that I have made little progress on this gift).
3. Awesome shawl for me:

My shawl made with Lionbrand homespun is moving right along... though sometimes I feel guilty working on it. Note about the yarn: it is pretty, but not my favorite... all acrylic and HAIRY... not sure if I will ever choose it for another project :( I am however interested in seeing how it holds up over the years....
4 & 5. Two mystery projects.... these projects will not be reveiled until complete and in the hands of loved ones:

As always, I love the thrill of making something for someone else (sorry again sweetie)... it is lovely to put hundreds off prayers for the people you love into handmade gifts for them....